Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Four “F’s” For Starting A New Year

I want to take a few moments and share a few thoughts with you as we gaze upon the Sunset of an Old Year, and into the Sunrise of a New Year. It is often at the Sunset of an Old Year, and at the Sunrise of a New Year that clarity speaks. “January” got its name from the Roman god Janus, who was a man with two faces. One looked backward, while the other looked forward. A New Year provides a valuable opportunity to ponder the past Year while anticipating the future Year. So, I want to look at, “The Four “F’s” For A New Year”. I hope this will help us bring closure to what’s behind so that we can run with enthusiasm for what’s ahead…

1. Extend Forgiveness… The Principle Of “Closing Accounts”

 Make A List Of Those Who Hurt You In 2009,
 Identify How They Hurt You,
 Understand That By Forgiving Others, You Release Yourself,
 Simply Forgive

Without Forgiving, You Experience “The Bitterness Principle”…

2. Forget What You Need To… The Principle Of “Closure”

Leave Behind In 2009 What Needs To Be Left Behind…
 Personal Failures
 Personal Disappointments & Loss
 Personal Wounds (Extend Forgiveness)

Without Forgetting, You Experience “The Bondage Principle”…

3. Focus On What You Need To… The Principle Of “Clear Vision”

 A Clear Vision Harnesses Your Potential
 A Clear Vision Helps You Tap Into The Laser Power Of Focus
 What Is Your “Vision Statement” For 2010? Don’t Just “Head Into 2010”; Head Into 2010 With A Vision!

Without Focus, You Experience “The Blurry Principle”…

4. Go Forward Where You Need To… The Principle Of “Consistent Personal Growth”

W. Edwards Deming is the statistician who established Total Quality Movement,
first in Japan and then in the rest of the world. Deming’s contribution is historically so important that U.S. New & World Report called him one of the “nine hidden turning points in history” (along with the birth control pill and the Apostle Paul). After over 50 years of statistical study, Deming pointed out that in every process there is a beginning and an end. When you focus on the first 15% of that process and get it correct (its initial conditions), you insure at least 85% of your desired outcome. By focusing on the first 15% of anything, the remaining 85% will effortlessly flow.

“Getting the process correct” when it comes to you and I is all about ongoing training, education, personal growth, and personal development. Michelangelo said that, “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all.”

See, when we stop growing, in essence, we start dying. Will Rogers: “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Thus, going forward is all about making choices and developing habits so that we consistently continue to grow and move forward as people. It is all about daily choices and daily habits which flow from an overall life focus of growth and personal development. Aristotle said this: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” Perhaps Joe Girard summed it up best when he said, “The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… one step at a time.”

This is also about having a coach and/or mentor. A Chinese Proverb tells us that a single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month’s study of books. We Need To Be Ever Growing & Increasing…
 Where Do You Need To Improve?
o Personally?
o Relationally?
o Financially?
o Educationally?
o Mentally?
o Emotionally?
o Spiritually?
o Physically?

Without Going Forward, You Experience “The Boredom Principle”…

The Four “F’s” For Starting A New Year…

1) Extend Forgiveness… The Principle Of “Closing Accounts”… Without it, you experience “The Bitterness Principle”…
2) Forget What You Need To… The Principle Of “Condemnation Prevention”… Without it, you experience “The Bondage Principle”…
3) Focus On What You Need To… The Principle Of “Clear Vision”… Without it, you experience “The Blurry Principle”…
4) Go Forward Where You Need To… The Principe Of “Consistent Personal Growth” Without it, you experience “The Boredom Principle”…

1 comment:

  1. Great article! Let's get going, keep going and never give up!
