If there is any truth that especially leaders need to get a handle on, it is
learning to PACE OURSELVES. Leaders tend to be “high-people-care”,
“high-octane”, “high-performance” people in, “heavy-people-care”, “high-stress”, “large-responsibility” environments. Thus, if we do not learn to PACE OURSELVES, we set ourselves up for disaster!! We need to take a look at the importance of learning to PACE OURSELVES. We must learn to work smarter, not always harder. I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln where he said this: “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”
Here, the leader who led America through its darkest hour explains to us that though at times more effort is needed, often the right application of skill is what we need the most. In other words, we need to learn to work smart, and not to just work hard. Many are burned out, stressed out, frazzled out, dried out and have dropped out simply because they have never learned to work smart and how to PACE THEMSELVES.
Pacing Principles…
PACING YOURSELF Means Thinking About & Planning The Race Before You Run It - Many times we just dive into life & jobs & commitments & responsibilities. We commit first and then think later. To properly PACE OURSELVES we need to think about and plan our race before we run it. We need to think about the terrain and conditions of the race: where we will have to expend more effort and where we will have to save it, where the terrain is flat and where it is hilly, and on and on.
PACING YOURSELF Means Others Will Pass You In The Short Term - People who PACE THEMSELVES don’t always look the best in the short term, but often come out on top in the end.
PACING YOURSELF Means Running For A Marathon, Not A Sprint - The “race” we are in is not a sprint, a 100-m dash, it is a long, drawn-out marathon. Yet, often we run it like it is a sprint and so we quickly run out of gas. We need to learn to PACE OURSELVES for a marathon, not a sprint!!!
People Who PACE THEMSELVES Are Calm When Others Aren’t - Because they are working a plan that brings success in the end!
PACING YOURSELF Keeps You From The “Tyranny Of The Urgent” - When we don’t PACE OURSELVES, we end up burnt-out & frustrated because we spend our energy on the “tyranny of the urgent”…
How To Pace Yourself…
1 - “P” - “Priorities” - Determine Your Real Priorities
PACING YOURSELF is all about priorities. One of the most liberating realizations to come to is that we cannot possibly “do it all”. This means we need to regularly sit down, perhaps quarterly, and ask ourselves what is important. Life either overtakes us with its priorities, or we overtake life with ours. Take the time to determine your priorities.
2 - “A” - “Apply” - Yourself To What Can Be Done Daily
Control what you can and don’t worry about what you can’t!! Take “bite-size” portions of life, tasks, and responsibilities. Do the best you can with “bite-size” portions and calmly let go of what you cannot do…
3 - “C” - “Constantly” - Work On Efficiency
Efficiency can be defined not so much as working hard, but working smart!! It is squeezing the most out of every moment, resource and opportunity we have in life!! The efficient person puts less in, but gets more out!! Obviously, this helps us to PACE OURSELVES!!
Learn To Say No To Yourself & Others!!
Learn What You Are Good At And Called To And Do That!!
Remove The “A.D.D.” - Learn To Focus On The Task At Hand!!
Be Realistic About What You Can Achieve!!
Be Opportunistic… Make The Most Of Every Moment!!
Be Efficient!!
- Schedule In Non-Negotiable Essentials First…
- Then Schedule In Negotiable Essentials…
- Next Schedule In Non-Negotiable Non-Essentials…
- After That, Schedule In Negotiable Non-Essentials…
4 - “E” - “Essentials” - For Finishing The Race…
There are many examples in life, business, leadership and history of great men and women who suffered what would be close to a “breakdown” or “meltdown” at the height of their careers. It is wise to study their lives and see some of what they neglected:
Sleep, Exercise And Nourishment - Unless we come apart and rest awhile, we may just simply come apart! PPC - Proper Personal Care is essential! Rest, Exercise, Proper Diet, Recreation…
Healthy Expression Of Emotions - Honesty is essential! Find a safe place to vent.
Renewal Of Purpose - Personal Purpose = Personal power! Take time to regularly meditate on your personal purpose and “life-fit”… and go after it!
Spiritual Perspective - This changes everything and grounds you in what is important!
Friends & Relationships - Effectiveness is all about the people around you. Not even Barack Obama can do it alone!
Remember, you are running a marathon, not a sprint. Pacing yourself and running for the long haul will insure you get where you need to go!
That's so true and very helpful! Thanks Abe!