In life, one of the keys to actualizing and realizing your potential is to see yourself correctly. People who have their eyes opened to see themselves clearly end up going far and doing a lot of great things in life! The world is full of people who have not yet come to a place where they are utilizing their full capacity. Most
do not come close to exhausting all the potential in them. People who do not see themselves clearly; who do not see themselves through a positive and expansive lens, end up living far below their capacity!!
“You may have read positive Words, studied positive Words, and taught others positive Words, but do you believe the positive Words for YOU? You are living today what you believe about yourself! You will be changed as you change your thinking and beliefs. Where the heart and mind goes, the man follows…”
“Your faith-box and self-mirror determine your whole life: what you think, feel, experience and do; what you create, grow, build and dream. You are thinking, feeling, experiencing and doing what your faith-box contains and what your self-mirror shows. You are creating, growing, building and dreaming what your faith-box allows and what your self-mirror permits…”
“Your perception of yourself is so important. How you view yourself determines & affects so much. You’ll never behave consistently in a way that contradicts your view of yourself. Until you start seeing yourself and speaking over yourself positive Words, and stop thinking of yourself as rejected, inadequate, or unable to do anything of value, you will never behave in a healthy way or achieve all you can achieve…”
Many of us do not believe or live positive Words about ourselves because we are held back by fear. Let’s look at some definitions of fear to help us understand it. One of my favorite is the acronym, “F.E.A.R.” - “False Evidence Appearing Real”!! So many times, fear is exactly that: false evidence that is appearing real to us!
Webster defines “fear” as, “an unpleasant, often strong emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger; anxious concern; painful agitation in the presence or anticipation of danger; implies a loss of courage.” Aristotle said, “fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil.”
These definitions bring us to one of the keys to understanding fear. See, there is legitimate fear, and there is illegitimate fear! There is fear that IS okay, and there is fear that IS NOT okay!
“Two Types Of Fear”:
1) Healthy / Rational Fear - Fear of falling over a cliff, fear of being hit by a car, fear of a heart attack without proper diet and exercise, etc. There are all healthy, rational fears which are logical and serve as a sort of warning or defense mechanism.
2) Un-Healthy / Irrational Fear - These are the fears that harm us the most. Fear of insects, fear of the dark, fear of public speaking, fear of people. These are irrational, often illogical fears that we need to learn to overcome, or we will be paralyzed by them! It is these kinds of fears that Franklin D. Roosevelt said in his 1933 inaugural address: “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” So, how do we overcome fear?? How can we BREAK FREE OF FEAR??
1) Face It!! Face Fear Head-On!!
Life is a journey of overcoming and even conquering the things which hold us back. You gotta face your fear head on to BREAK FREE OF FEAR! YOU CANNOT BE CALLED A “CONQUEROR” WITHOUT “CONQUERING”; YOU CANNOT BE AN “OVERCOMER” WITHOUT HAVING SOMETHING TO “OVERCOME”!
Eleanor Roosevelt said that, “Fear is the most devastating emotion on earth. I fought it and conquered it by helping people who were worse off than I was. I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears to do, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experience behind him.” So, to BREAK FREE OF FEAR, you have to face it by looking at the roots of your specific fears…
Are They A Result Of Family / Generational Fears?
Are They A Result Of Upbringing?
Are They A Result Of Society?
Are They A Result Of Insecurity / Mindset?
2) Fight It!! Fear Doesn’t Just “Go Away”; Fight Thru It!!
To BREAK FREE OF FEAR, we have to simply fight!! See, in essence, BREAKING FREE OF FEAR is a contest or competition of wills. Who is going to win? Your fear, or you? People often ask me how I overcome fear. I do it by simply overcoming it. Fighting it. Literally, I am afraid almost in everything I do, but for some reason, early in life, I conditioned myself to fight through it.
I remember when I was in Grade 12, I somehow knew I was “called” to be a public speaker and there was a chance to speak to my high school. Actually, it was a Snow King/Snow Queen pageant where you entered the contest with a “talent”. Everyone else had an actual talent, i.e. singing, dance, art, inventing, etc. Mine was simply that I felt I could speak. But out of dozens of contestants, I made the finalists and almost became the Snow King of Millwood High School! Haha… funny example, but I beat my fear by simply fighting through it!
3) Faith It!! Literally Replace Fear With Faith!!
What is the opposite of fear? Faith! See, fear is anticipation of evil or harm or bad, while faith is anticipation or expectancy of good and joy and happy times! And see, faith looks like courage when it is lived out!
See, faith is an abstract concept. It is something that is difficult to get a handle on and really define. But, I can tell you this: If you were to ask what faith looks when it is in action; what it looks like when it is lived out, here is the answer. Faith in action looks like courage! And courage has always been key for people to fulfill their destiny. To BREAK FREE OF FEAR, replace fear with faith & courage!!
4) Fill It!! Fresh Regular In-Filling Of Positive Words!!
It seems like a simple concept, but over and over again life reveals that people become what they think about. Where the mind goes, the man follows. If this is the case, perhaps we should all make a concerted effort to embrace positive thoughts; to meditate on affirmative, optimistic, encouraging, and constructive thoughts which motivate and inspire us, as opposed to negative, pessimistic, destructive thoughts that de-motivate and un-inspire! Today you may encounter some who will not see you...your potential, gifts, talents, passion, heart, and abilities. Its all good...because the universe will send those who do...they see you...and those are the ones you are meant to partner with.
5) Follow It!! Your Life Call, Regardless Of Fear!!
Ultimately, overcoming fear is about a choice. The choice is simple: will you do it or not? Will you do what you know you were born to do; your dream and vision, or not? Overcoming and BREAKING FREE OF FEAR happens as we follow our personal calling with all of our hearts!
Reasons & Excuses Which Are Not Be “Good Enough” For Why We Did Not Live Our Dream…
“I was too busy…”
“I was too ignorant…”
“I was too distracted…”
“I was too career-oriented…”
“I was too passion-less…”
“I was too afraid…”
6) Forsake It!! Leave Fear Behind As You Step Out!!
At some point, you have to step out!! History is full of the example of those who only conquered their fear and saw result when they made a choice to step out and forsake their fears and leave their timidity behind…
Abraham Lincoln and freeing the slaves…
Martin Luther King Jr. and civil rights…
Nelson Mandela and breaking apartheid…
Etc., etc.
BREAKING FREE OF FEAR is about actively using your inner strength to break fear & stepping out in courage!
7) Fear It!! Fear Living In Fear More Than Fear Itself!!
In essence, to BREAK FREE OF FEAR, we need to fear fear itself!! Like Roosevelt said in 1933: “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself – nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” We need to fear the nameless, unreasoning, unjustified fears! They paralyze us from making the efforts we need to make to convert retreat into advance!
Top 10 Reasons Why I Should Fear Living In Fear…
Fear Saps Your Potential
Fear Sucks Your Energy
Fear Saddens Your Heart
Fear Shrinks Your Mindset
Fear Scraps Your Dreams
Fear Surrenders Your Dignity
Fear Sabotages Your Destiny
Fear Sedates Your Motivation
Fear Shakes Your Beliefs
Fear Shrouds Your Beauty
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